Agricultural Team Update

Keep up to date with the latest from the Agri Team!

After over two years of having our borders closed we are now finally opening up to overseas visitors. And even more exciting with the reopening of New Zealand borders, is that we are now able to start recruiting from offshore again. The last two years has seen many industries in New Zealand struggle with staff shortages. It has been hard on farmers especially during busy times of the season. Whilst we always try to fill available vacancies with kiwis first, there are just not enough people in this country currently to fill all available roles. The unemployment rate in December 2021 was sitting at 3.2%, which is the lowest recorded unemployment rate since recording started in 1986. It has seen a straight decline since September 2020 when the unemployment rate was at 5.3%. This shows the large impact Covid had on our ability to fill jobs around New Zealand. 

So we here at Trinity Employment have got the ball rolling and are now able to recruit directly from overseas! We are working in partnership with an agency in the Philippines called Omanfil, to bring over the best dairy staff. All candidates will come with a minimum of two years dairy experience in either Saudi Arabia or Japan, where herd sizes are similar to those in New Zealand. Already know someone overseas who you would like to come work on your farm? Great! We are here to assist you with the process. We will be on hand for the entire process whether you would like to hire a new person from overseas or someone you had been in New Zealand previously but got stuck offshore. We will be there to help with the selection of the right candidate, booking exit visas and handling the whole visa process, booking medicals and flights and last but not least meet the candidate at the airport and hand deliver them to your farm. To help with this process we have hired a new member into our agri team. Please welcome the wonderful Gini to Trinity! Gini is taking on the position of  pastoral care. She will be our main contact for candidates making sure they are settling in okay into their new home and will be in touch along the way to ensure a smooth transition. 

We also have something else very exciting we are working on in the background. So watch this space! 

And last but not least: Selwyn, we are coming your way this Friday 6th of May! The agri recruitment team will be spending the day visiting farms around Te Parita, Hororata, Darfield and Dunsandel. If you are in the area and keen for a catch up please let us know and we will make sure to call in for a chat and to drop off one of our goodie bags to you.