Believe in Ted (and not the Ted you think)

In this blog, our General Manager Nils recommends a TV show for all those who want to learn important life lessons and great leadership values.

It is always good to get inspiration or insights from great leaders and to learn from the best. This can be done through motivational speakers or podcasts like James Laughlin’s The Lead on Purpose Podcast, Ted talks or something a bit less conventional such as a television show.

Ted Lasso is an amazing TV series not just about being a coach or leader but on how to be a good human being. Through entertainment the creators of Ted Lasso put their characters through everyday challenges and teaches us how to be better to ourselves and those around us. We can learn a lot from Ted Lasso and have fun on the way. This comedy from Apple TV plus deals with big topics such as racism, sexism, women empowerment, homophobia, anxiety and pressure. These topics are always handled with the care and respect they deserve and all the while it entertains and makes us laugh (and almost makes us excited about soccer, I mean football).

We can look to great leaders on how to overcome and deal with challenges such as political, business figures and world superstars who give us the motivation to work to our best ability. However, there is no reason why we cant look to fictitious characters to make the way we interact with others a more friendly loving way (which sadly seems to be lacking these days). Ted is the ideal leader, he is open, honest, approachable, accepting and always comes from a place of heart. These are the same principles our team at Trinity adopt in our way of business as we believe in treating others the way we want to be treated.

Looking at my Ted Lasso cup that our Managing Director Cassandra gave me, I am reminded of some of the inspirational words of wisdom from Ted. I hope these will help you in your workplace and everyday life:

Every choice is a chance. The harder you work the luckier you get (Plato). All people are different people. Doing the right thing is never the wrong thing. BELIEVE. Be a goldfish (move on from mistakes rather than lingering on them). Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse. If you’re comfortable while you’re doing it, you’re probably doing it wrong. Human beings are never going to be perfect. The best we can do is keep asking for help and accepting it when you can. And if you keep on doing that, you’ll always be moving towards better.

As a business, as a leader, and as a person, we all can learn a lot from the wisdom that comes from Ted Lasso.

- Nils Macfarlane, General Manager at Trinity


*In the photo, our Senior Management Team is attending to a leadership training in Christchurch.